File Insurance Claim For Auto Accident

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Are you in need of auto accident attorneys, don’t worry you can get one in just few minutes. just submit your details like other just did and connect to lawyer.


I was involved in a accident in december and im confused on what does the gap insurance pays for


I was in an automobile accident (Date:06/09/2010) in which case I was at fault. I was driving without insurance and I hit the car in front of me. I need help understanding the letters that were givien to me by the plantiffs lawyer and the letters from their insurance company. Thank you for your time.


A man is being charged with a life sentence for attempted murder.  We were advised that it an exceptionally harsh sentence.  The family is low income and they are searching for a attorney who specializes in these types of cases.


I am looking to find someone to help me close a trust fun that was open do to a Auto accident and I can only yous 800.00 a year and thay had put in my name and my moms name I would like to use this money its mine would link to buy some thing with it .   I only have 6,804.00 left . thanks


Was in a sort of car accidnet five years ago, we bump in Smiths parking lot.  Called police polce came would not make out report on private property, asked her if she was ok, asked me we both said yes, saw no damage on either car we went sepearte ways, five years later her and her insurance company suing me, since I need reiviced anynotiviationof trail judgement was find in her so state of utah took my license till I paid almost 8000 dollars if I knew about court Iwould of went ,she had no leg to stand on, several police friends said this is a scam when people have no cases telling the judge the other person was served when they werent and I wasnt

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